New realization and new feelings grows up with times. The early teen years see lots of changes – physical, emotional, cognitive and social. During this time, children’s bodies, emotions and identities change in different ways at different times.
For girls, you might start to see early physical changes from about 10 -11 years but this can be seen as young as 8, or as old as 13. Physical changes around puberty include breast development, changes in body shape and height, growth of pubic and body hair, and the start of periods (Menstruation). For boys, physical changes usually start around 11-12 years but this can be seen as young as 9, or as old as 14. Height increase, change in body shape, erections with ejaculation, growth of body and facial hair, and changes to voice. And also many emotional changes occur such as strong feelings and intense emotions at different times. Moods might seem unpredictable, and these emotional ups and downs can lead to increased conflict. Child could go through a ‘bulletproof’ stage of thinking and acting. Your child’s decision-making skills are still developing etc.
Family relation also vary an important matter. In this time they feel new new things about family. Young people are busy working out who they are and where they fit into the world. So you might notice that your child is searching for identity. This search can be influenced by gender, peer group, cultural background and family expectations. Seeking more independence is common. But a good relation with family is very much important. Be friendly with your child. Caues, in this time you child will find new friends and wants to share many things. If you are attached with your child, if your child feels friendly at home, with family then easily you can guide your child in a right path.
Outer environment is also another important matter for this time. As in this time they want to know and want to do new new things so, they will learn from everywhere. Be sincere about media, society and outer environment. It’s necessary to keep trying your child in a good and safe environment. Cause, any negative influence may ruin their tender mind and body. And that affect may visible in far away.
Attraction also suddenly changes in this time or may be changes mostly. As people pass from childhood into their teen years and beyond, their bodies develop and change. So do their emotions and feelings. And they can feel extra attraction towards opposite gender.
Friendship and love is the valuable thing for ever. But in this time they need more friendly and lovely environment and relationship with other specially family, friends, society. This will lead them in a positive world. And they will feel free from heart. They will develop a glorious youth if they find proper friendship and love.
Outcomes of feelings comes as like the wave of ocean in this time. They feels more excited and thinks easy in every situation. They likes to be more brave and wants to take any kind of task. They want to take any risk easily in this time. They feel free to show strength in any kind of situation. Etc.
Future planning is one of the most important part for everyone. And in this time they plan a lot of things. Some might be very positive, and some are less. They can take plans with just emotion. But some are try to plan a proper future plan. However, this influences very much on their footsteps. So, help them to find and build up a nice and right decision. As this time is like a soft mud. It is easy to build up a structure. Help your child to be more positive. And be like a friend, a close friend. This is mandatory to build up a positive vive. And really your child is your friend also. As you are the closest friend of your child. This is a interesting and glorious relationship. This can makes every single things into a valuable matter. Focus on that and walk on to build up a new realization and new feelings. Give the young a chance, to change the circumstances.